
Tuesday 4 June 2013

LPG- Liquified Petroleum Gas the holocaust within our home ?

I had a life changing moment a couple of days ago, it has kind of opened my eyes to a lot of things we take for granted. I have since decided to pen down my experience in order to help others to learn from my mistakes, and be aware of certain issues when it comes to maintaining their gas stoves and pipes.

Around mid morning,as my sister in law and I were busy preparing lunch,me on the kitchen chair and she by the lit stove,we suddenly heard a hiss,and saw a flash of flames emanating from behind the gas stove.The pipe through which the gas is supplied to the stove had slid out of its place and the gas had caught fire from the stove. The pipe behind was like a blow torch,burning everything in its path,luckily for us there was hardly a few days to an empty cylinder.Amidst shrieks and screams and between us we managed to shut of the stove and finally shut the gas cylinder as well.

There are so many points that I would like to share with you,and I'm listing them in random order and not by importance since I feel all of them are  equally importance.

1. Please ensure that your gas cylinder is placed close at hand, and the regulator is facing you so that you can shut the valve easily and quickly when you hear the hiss or smell gas.

2.Do not keep anything or have an obstruction in front or around the cylinder,this is in case you are faced with a similar emergency like I did.It took me a while to reach the cylinder as there was a cutting table blocking my path.

3. Do not and I can't stress this point enough,leave it to your house help to clean or check the valves and pipe. My hiatus from the kitchen(for an important reason) cost me dearly.Two months of not cleaning the kitchen myself,was a disaster waiting to happen.

Clean the kitchen space/counter yourselves.I clean mine with Mr Muscle kitchen cleaner,often spraying on the pipe and valve and giving it a good wipe.

4.Do not place your gas cylinder out of your sight,simple reason being(I have seen some people having their gas cylinders outside their homes) that in the situation that I was in,it would have taken me a longer time to switch off the gas regulator.Till then the fire from the pipe could have played havoc with all flammable material(oils) that is often kept on counter tops.

5.Don't panic,very important...Stay calm and focus on shutting of the valve/regulator as soon as possible.That should be your primary concern,do not get distracted by your surroundings or the concern in peoples voices.

Most of the points I have stated are i'm sure are already imbibed within us,but it doesn't hurt to know them again.

Please be careful and do not take your cooking spaces for granted,clean them well and check often for faulty pipes and valves.

I have since changed to a hose clip on the pipe so as to secure it more firmly.The damage caused would have been much more had the cylinder been a full one.The pressure of the gas from the pipe would have been higher and the force would have been greater.

Someone up there was obviously looking out for me or I would not have been able to pen this.Do take care and remain alert at all times when your cooking.

Please do share this,as it may be of help to someone somewhere....